MedicoMART is founded by the group of Medical and IT professionals combining experience of both to come up with a unique market place fulfilling need of healthcare community.
MedicoMART is a free market place for healthcare products & services which brings buyer & seller together. It provides a simple solution to the complicated process involved in selling, buying, trading and availing healthcare products and services.
At Medicomart We Offer - Free and quick registration - Post buyer and seller listing ads free - Browse and search all the ads for free - Control your buying and selling activities - Access the site from android mobile app - Good platform to visible your product to the healthcare marketplace - Being a register member you can check and download all healthcare related tender free of cost
MEDICOMART is fully owned by M/s Lifecare Hospisoft Private Limited, MEDICOMART is the next generation of free online classifieds, MedicoMART is brings buyer & seller together.
Hospital & Health Care
Self Owned
11-50 employees